Schöne featured on CNN’s Philippine Reality TV: Smart Home 2.0 - Schöne Philippines
We’re very glad to be on a stage where we can share our advocacy in using the better and smarter bathroom and kitchen fixtures for more sustainable living, and bringing european luxury in every home.
Schöne featured on CNN’s Philippine Reality TV: Smart Home 2.0
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Schone Featured on CNN's Ph Reality TV

Schöne featured on CNN’s Philippine Reality TV: Smart Home 2.0


Schöne is very proud to share with you another milestone as we take part in CNN’s Philippine Reality TV: Smart Home 2.0!

We’re very glad to be on a stage where we can share our advocacy in using the better and smarter bathroom and kitchen fixtures for more sustainable living, and bringing european luxury in every home.

Follow us on Instagram ( or visit us at 8 Annapolis St., Greenhills, San Juan to view our actual products. See you there!