Schöne in the Time of Covid Pandemic - Schöne Philippines
We have pledged in donating various equipment, PPEs and food to the healthcare workers and affected families in this time of crisis.
covid pandemic
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Covid Pandemic News - Schone

Schöne in the Time of Covid Pandemic

During this time our company greatly sympathizes with the families affected by this serious pandemic sweeping the world. We have pledged in donating various equipment, PPEs and food to the healthcare workers and affected families in this time of crisis. We are one with the struggle of the people at this time. We also pledge to take care of the employees and people who helped Dynamic Brands grow to what it is today.

Even when our company was non operational for almost 3 months, we have tried to compensate all our workers and we are proud to say that we have not let anyone go during this time of crisis despite the financial impact.

We at Dynamic Brands hope to further serve everyone despite this issue surrounding us.