About Schöne | Bathroom Accessories Philippines
Top choice supplier of premium bathroom accessories in the Philippines, bringing the best of European design to the Filipino home.
Bathroom Accessories Philippines
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What We Do

Schöne is the premier supplier of luxury bathroom accessories in the Philippines

About Us

SCHÖNE premium bathroom and kitchen fixtures aims to bring german style and functionality to every home. Our brand uses the highest quality ceramic and stainless steel for all your bathroom and kitchen needs. Schöne offers the best in toilets, basins, faucets, sinks and bathroom accessories in the Philippines.

Redefining Luxury

We at Dynamic Brands International believe that every person deserves to have elegance and sophistication at the heart of their homes. Our company aims to incorporate the best of European living and design in everyone’s lives. Our goal is to share the very best of our premium brands to all in the hopes of always satisfying our customer. We constantly aim to always be at the forefront of style and technology.

Our Mission

Our mission is to bring the best and highest quality premium brands in enhancing the style and functionality of every home. Dynamic Brands international puts customer happiness and satisfaction above all else. We look forward to being a part of your everyday life.

Our Vision

Our vision is to bring luxury, beauty and happiness to every home through our products. We hope to become the best and first option in improving your home.

Our Showrooms

Our showroom features a variety of sinks, faucets, shower heads, and more, all of the highest quality. Explore our showroom and find the perfect pieces for your bathroom. Visit us today and see why we are the goto choice for bathroom fixtures with European design. 

Metro Manila, Philippines

No. 8 Annapolis St., Schone Showroom,

Northeast Greenhills, San Juan, Metro Manila, Philippines

Cebu, Philippines

Units 2-05  & 2-06 Streetscape Phase 2, Paseo Saturnino,

Maria Luisa, Banilad, Cebu City, Cebu, Philippines